
After Fiza finished speaking with Gurpreet ma'am, Gurpreet left. Then Fiza noticed two guys (Haris and Aditya) here for a meeting. 

Fiza turned to them and said, "You can have the seats, please. Let's begin the meeting. I hope Rhea has told you everything, but still, I would like to state it. Actually, I can't believe organizations that ask for funds so easily, as we pay a heavy amount and don't want that to turn out fraud. Hope you get that."

Haris cut her off and said to Aditya, "Bhai, do we look like fraudsters who will take her money and run away? You didn't tell them we are surgeons, and she doesn't even know that we are the top surgeons of this state. And you've come here to take a donation from this company, wow!"

Meanwhile, Aditya glared at Haris and replied, "Haris, calm down. Do you want to create a scene like last time?"

Fiza and Rhea, who heard this, were silent, and Aditya turned towards Fiza and continued, "Sorry, don't take Haris's words too seriously."

Haris gave him looks, and Aditya continued, "We understand. Rhea told us everything on the phone, so I made a presentation with location photos. Give me a second; while you look at the presentation, I'll also show you the live location."

Fiza and Rhea were busy looking at the presentation, and Haris, unaware of what Aditya did, asked him, "When did you do all this, and why didn't you tell me about it?"

Aditya replied, "If I had told you, you wouldn't have let me come. And this company is providing funds equivalent to ten companies. Haris asked how much they were offering, and Aditya replied, "Not just 10 lakhs; they are providing 1 crore. That's why they are asking so many questions. Now, let's focus. I need to show her the live location."

Haris asked, "How will you do that?"

Aditya replied, "Through a video call. Where has your brain gone?"

Meanwhile, Fiza said they would see the live location today, and Aditya replied, "Yes, ma'am, coming right up," and made a video call to the worker over there, asking him to remember what he had told him. The worker confirmed, and Aditya showed the video call where the worker showed her the complete organization. After checking, Fiza said okay, and Aditya ended the call, saying that he will talk to him later.

But Fiza was still not satisfied and said, "I would like to see your organization in person because I still cannot believe it."

Haris, angry, replied, "We're not running away with your money. Come on, Adi, we don't need funds from her."

Aditya said, "Bhai, please sit down. Let me handle this."

Haris replied, "Okay," and also said, "Fiza, okay, you may come tomorrow to the organization, and remember, come in traditional attire, not formal. Tomorrow, we celebrate the children's birthday at the orphanage. It's Christmas Day, and the sisters there believe they are God's children. Only God is like family to them, so that's the reason."

Fiza replied, "Okay, sure, we will come in traditional attire. Just share the location," and asked one of the workers (Kaka) to get water.

He brought two glasses of water, and as Fiza was about to drink, she overheard Haris saying, "She didn't ask us for water or juice, and look at how she's drinking water like a queen," and Fiza stopped, took the glass, moved to where Haris was sitting, and asked, "Sir, do you need water?" Haris: surprised "Huh? Oh, no, I'm fi—"

She intentionally spilled the water on him and said, "Oops, sorry, it slipped. Kaka, go quickly and get a cloth to wipe him; he might catch a cold. Hopefully, this will cool him down too."

The confused Kaka stood still, unsure how to react. Haris, furious, exclaimed, "Is this any way?"

Fiza retorted, "You were speaking so rudely. I merely responded. And remember, you should always recall Newton's third law."

Haris cursed under his breath, "Adi, let's go. She's impossible." They stormed out of the cabin and the office.


Haris gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles white with anger. "Why did you even ask for a donation from that company? Never has anyone insulted me like this before, you know, right? And that woman, she's so arrogant and rude. By the way, what did she mean by Newton's third law? I don't remember."

Adi chuckled softly, trying to diffuse the tension. "It's about equal action and reaction, Haris. And I don't think she was wrong anywhere."

Haris's frustration flared. "So now you're taking her side, huh? That's very mean of you."

Adi shook his head. "You've just met her today, Haris. I've heard she's a strict boss but a kind-hearted lady. Just give it some time, maybe you'll understand her better."

"Why would I do that?" Haris retorted.

"Come on, Haris, I'm your buddy. I know what's going on inside you," Adi said gently. "Let's just forget it for now. We'll reach home soon. We have a lot of work to do for the birthday party."

"Yeah, we do," Haris agreed, easing his grip on the wheel. "By the way, did you apply for leave?"

"Two days ago, Haris," Adi confirmed.

As they reached home, it was nearly 8 pm. After freshening up, they began the preparations for the party.


Meanwhile, in Fiza's office, she reminded Rhea about the traditional attire for tomorrow's event and instructed her to confirm the location with the organizers for the driver. Fiza then went to meet Anaya.

Inside, Gurpreet was consoling Anaya. "Don't misunderstand Fiza, she's a good person," Gurpreet said softly. "She's just a bit strict when it comes to work."

Anaya's voice quivered with anger and sadness as she spoke. "Ma'am, I would have completed the design if I was here. I didn't because my father is hospitalized, and I'm the only one who can take care of him. But when I came here, I heard the workers saying that she never listens to such excuses and gets even angrier. So, I avoided telling her. She should know that not everyone is an orphan like her."

Fiza, who had been listening silently, made a noise deliberately as she entered, causing both Gurpreet and Anaya to pause. Gurpreet shot Anaya a warning glance, silently urging her to be careful with her words.

Composing herself, Fiza addressed Anaya directly. "Where is the design, Anaya?" she inquired calmly.

Anaya hesitated, sensing the tension in the room. "Ma'am, can I submit it tomorrow morning?" she finally replied.

Gurpreet interjected, urging Fiza to give Anaya some time. "She's going through a tough time, ma'am. Let her have until tomorrow," Gurpreet suggested gently.

Fiza nodded, her expression softening slightly. "Alright, tomorrow. But as soon as I return from the organization, I want all the designs ready. It's your responsibility now, Gurpreet Ma'am" she stated firmly before turning to leave.

Exiting the company premises, Fiza was seething with anger at Anaya's words. She drove the car harshly, tears streaming down her face as she struggled to control her emotions. 

Meanwhile, Haris, who happened to be passing by on the same road, couldn't ignore the sight of Fiza's distressed state. Without a second thought, he decided to follow her, his concern overriding any other obligations.

"Adi, complete the preparations. I have urgent matters to attend to," Haris instructed tersely over the phone.

Aditya's voice crackled through the phone, his tone teasing. "Ah, going to meet bhabhi again or what?"

Haris's anger flared at the jest, his patience wearing thin. "Just shut up, Adi. Not everything is a joke. I'll talk to you later." he retorted sharply, cutting the call before Aditya could respond.

Meanwhile, Fiza's car stopped at her favorite secret location by the water, which is only she knew. This was where she went to get comfort and relief from her inner anguish; the empty space was like a safe haven for her feelings.

Haris watched Fiza's actions from a distance, confused, wondering why she had picked this specific location. He followed her in silence, curious rather than worried, his curiosity breaking out. 

Imagine this is a seashore side where she is crying
Imagine this is a seashore side where she is crying

Haris hid behind the bushes, unseen and unheard, as Fiza looked around her for anyone who might have entered. His heart clenched as he saw her fall apart, her cries of self-hatred and pain disturbing through the peaceful quietness of the seashore.

Haris struggled with an intense feeling of regret, unable to bear the burden of his own poor judgment. Though his heart was heavy with the realization of his own stupidity, he stayed hidden despite his need to console her and comfort her pain.

That moment feeling of shared weakness changed Haris's opinion of Fiza forever. He saw a woman burdened down by her own troubles and sorrows, not the cruel and merciless boss he was expecting.

Haris silently decided to be at Fiza's side, to solve the puzzles of her heart and find the reason for her suffering, as she drove away and her tears faded into the distance.

He had not realized that throughout their brief exchange, he had unintentionally fallen in love with Fiza, his heart being permanently linked to hers in ways he was still not completely aware of.

Therefore, Haris followed Fiza till she arrived at her house, his heart heavy and resolve a lifetime as he fought with the growing realization of his love for her.


"I know that part is a bit long, but I hope you enjoy it and 

stay tuned to discover the further twists and turns of the story.

  Feel free to point out any mistakes and offer guidance."

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